Served until 8:15 am
A variety of Cereals, toast, yogurts and mixed fruit. Drinks available are water, milk and fresh fruit juice.
Morning Snack
10:00 am
Morning snack is a selection of Toast Fingers and Mixed Fruit. Drinks available are water and milk. This snack is not charged for.
12:00 pm
This is a hot meal and lunch menus can be found on the Notice Board by the kitchen and copies can be requested at the office. Lunches are charged at £2.50
Tea and Afternoon Snack
3:30 pm
Tea is optional and a menu can be found on the Notice Board by the kitchen and copies can be requested at the office.
N.B. A selection of fresh fruit is available for all children to choose after lunch and tea.
Water and milk are available at each meal and snack time. Water is available at all times during the day
Our menus
Food Standards Agency
Hygiene Rating
Dollymixtures Level 5